Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Groundhog Day-feb2

I woke up with a jolt to say the least. I am usually not too deep a sleeper come about 6am, but Feb 2 was different. It was 8am, and Reid, holding our cat Gosu, said, "I missed class!" I had intended to get up at 6 with him in honor of Groundhog day, but both of us slept straight through his alarm. After talking to Sam, I realize I am 1/2 way redeemed because I woke at 8 to honor Bloomsday (even though that's Jun16.)? Anyhow, I made myself a breakfast sandwich like i do every morning - 2 eggs, 2 pieces bacon, 1 bagel. Then, I sat down with coffee and did a few hours of homework. 19th c. british literature at 11am. I parked on 3rd street where i always park, slipped a few times on the icy sidewalks where no one shovels the snow, and then talked about binaries in "The Coming Race" for 1.25 hrs. After class my shakespeare group met on a porch on 13th street and read Much ado about nothing outloud. my feet froze. Gave 2 people rides back to campus. Visited the bookstore to purchase more texts for class. Someone tried to be overly helpful.
Drove home. by this time it is nearly 2pm. Reid and i went to laparilla for a blackwater bayou and 1jambalaya, then to smiths for the atm machine. then home again. had a long conversation about careers and how on earth we were to make use of our majors (his being physics, mine obviously being lit.) I then read ulysses for a few hours before receiving a text message from abby asking if i was at sams yet. at 7pm we met at sams to watch the skin of our teeth over a few glasses of malbec, and to be reminded that today was just yesterday all over again. we watched sabina run the show and discussed how inordinately funny it would be if the actors could ever actually make the audience truly believe that the entire cast had fallen ill due to food poisoning. Olie watched sam's feet and growled and barked. Copper snuggled with abby and by the end of the play was in bliss with a wonderful mohawk hairdo. then sutter taught us about ineluctable modality, diaphane and adiaphane, snotgreen - the mother inside of us, and all in only 1 paragraph! the beginning of proteus, stephen's walk by the water.
sutter and sam gifted me my very own copy of finnegans wake that i can write in! THANk YOU.
Drove home with 1 headlight - need to get that fixed. Read more ulysses and shakespeare. went to bed.
And after all that, i still didn't get everything done I needed to get done.
Happy anniversary Dr. Sexson

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